
02 October
Lot’s going on but not lots of posting. As I noted before I want to do helpful stuff on this blog. This post is selfish helpful. It’s helping me just think out loud. Cycling w Friend/s == Sanity (for me at least) Yes, it’s been a tough year for everyone in some different way. For me, it’s mainly the social aspect. I recognize that I am extremely fortunate (spoiled?) in many ways.
16 June
Como Fabricar Tu Propria Bolsa … Even if you don’t speak Spanish! I came across this video on making a stem bag and tried it out for myself (3 times now). The picture is of the 3rd one, where I feel like I got a pretty good handle on it, but still made some mistakes (as you’ll see I also did on my 4th one) Why This Stem Bag, Why This Post?
31 May
Since I said I’d talk about bikepacking some, let me tell you about a recent (not completely successful trip). Before I continue on my summary version, let me tell you a better full version is here. We had already canceled one planned trip (to the San Rafael well) in late March. We were starting to feel better about local trips (given the pandemic curve etc.), So we headed off. The picture at the top was from the day before the ride when I was doing a test run with the bike loaded (but dry water bottles).