About misfir3

The Handle

Some years ago, I needed a catchy handle for social media, GitHub and the like. I was in the middle of changing my FT career from SW dev to InfoSec (AppSec). My old go-to handle was too often taken and having numbers like 3 for e or the like was still semi-cool. misfir3 was commonl available.

The backstory is simple. I wasn’t “planned”. I had heard a story by my parents about how my oldest brother was “longshot”, The second was “sureshot”. I wasn’t planned, hence “misfire” (btw, I had to retype that 3 times to not have it end in a 3). So I added the 3 and I had my new readily-available handle? I guess I “leaned into” that story, “owned it” … whatever, it’s just a story, it’s not what or who I am.

Why The Blog?

We all intend to blog, write, maintain that personal website. Like everyone else, I did it off and on and did it more so ‘brand myself’ and create some cred for job transition purposes. Much of that is at misfir3.wordpress.com now. I decided to …

  1. Not bring that legacy stuff over. It’s already on the internet forever
  2. I don’t want to be so singly-focused anymore.

I just want to write in the hopes of helping out in some way. Whether that’s expressing thoughts/opinions that somehow help someone or even help me to sort things out. We’ll see how regularly I do this, but it’s fun now to set something different up again (Hugo, Actions, GitHub pages). We’ll see how long it goes after the new-and-shiny wears off.


No guarantees or limitations at the moment, but likely …

  1. Cycling and Bikepacking are high on the likely topics
  2. Code, Security and general Tech, although I find I’ve had my fill with the work amount of that these days
  3. Things happening in the world, big and small. This may mean some political thoughts, but I hope we can all be adult enough to get through that.
